How to start with Web development

There are lot of things web, when you are starting as a beginner. In order to fully understand web development you need to break into parts and understand each part at once time.
      Now I will show you the steps you need to follow to become a full stack web developer.

Technical Coding

Step-1: Focus on the Basic

Like I said before don't focus on everything if you are totally beginner and don't know what language is to learn first the most common thing would be HTML and CSS. This two languages used for design the web page. As for for the programming language it would be JavaScript it's language for the web.

You can learn this languages from online resources for free

Step-2: Learning differently Framework

You might be thinking what is framework ?
It is a pre-written code that we will use in our project for better look and we don't have to read much code. Think of it as a template for your website.

Now when you look into the frameworks you will probably gonna find there are lots of frameworks in the market, so learn all of them ?
Definitely no, I recommend you to learn thos which are currently popular in market. Like I recommend you learn 
For the Html and CSS framework
  • Bootstrap 
  • Angular Js                           
  • React
 For the JavaScrip framework
  • jouery
  • TypeScript     

Step-3: Learn about Databases

when you are creating a website it sometime nesesary to store data like photo, video, data etc. So you need a stroage where you store your data and retrieve it when you want. That's why Database is necessary.
Now there are also lot of databases and each one of them have different rules and limitations. So you have to find your suitable one for your website. Some of them are also paid databases.
So, I recommend to start with Mongo DB or Firebase.
I personally recommend you firebase though because it provided by Google and has many free features for you to try.

You can learn about Database and how it integrate with web in their official documentation 

Step-4: Getting ready with tools and Software

For the system requirements you need have a decent machine with 8 GB of Ram and a decent internet connection. These two are only thing you need have.
You need to have an environment for you write codes so there are lots of IDE and CODE EDITORS for you to use. The most popular once are Visual studio Code.
There are also others as well like

  • Atom
  • Sublime text
  • Brackets
If you want work in a company or a team then you have to learn git and github for the version control.

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